Cupping with Quinn

Cupping for Prenatal & Postpartum Clients

By Quinn Cleland

Cupping therapy is an ancient traditional Chinese medicine practice that has been used since at least 400 BC. In cupping therapy, cups will be placed on the skin & create negative pressure using suction. The skin in the area will be lifted into the cup, allowing blood to flow to the areas of tension. There are multiple forms of cupping; wet, dry, fire, etc. At Mama Jane Massage we use the gentle, non-invasive approach: dry cupping.

Although cupping is used to treat a wide variety of issues in the body, we use it to promote tension relief, muscle mobility & recovery, the release of “stuck” emotions, better sleep, less headaches, and enhanced blood flow. Cups are applied to areas with larger muscles. I use light suction & less time on prenatal clients, as well as avoiding the belly. Keeping baby & client comfortable and safe is the most important part of any practice. I leave cups on prenatal clients for 3-4 minutes and 4-6 minutes with more suction for postpartum/non-pregnant clients.

Cupping is not painful but if it doesn’t feel good for you, don’t be afraid to let your therapist know. Most people report that it is just a strange sensation. As you may have seen on an athlete’s body on TV or social media, cupping can leave circular marks in a variety of colors, from pink to purple, for 3-9 days. The marks may look like bruises but will not hurt like a bruise, although you may experience slight muscle soreness similar to the feeling after a firm massage. Drink plenty of water after your treatment to flush what has been brought to the surface and support your lymphatic system.

At Mama Jane Massage we want to support our clients through the physiological changes of pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time, and aid in providing relief and relaxation. Pregnant clients experience many changes to their body, and they have to adjust to these transformations that cause extra stress on the spine and hips. Prenatal clients also experience changes to their center of gravity which affects posture, gait and movement. Gentle dry cupping can be used to alleviate many painful or uncomfortable parts of pregnancy. For example, if hip pain is bothering you while you walk or try to sleep, applying cups near the sacrum and around the greater trochanter (upper outer thigh) can provide great relief to the area. This improves the blood flow to these areas which promotes better circulation and pain relief. Avoiding the belly and certain pressure points while continuing to communicate with the client during a cupping session is important for the safety of the client and the baby.

The body goes through a lot during birth. There is so much physiological and emotional stress that our bodies hold on to. Adding cupping to postpartum massage therapy can help with recovery on many levels. Aiding and supporting the circulatory system, releasing tension and pain from pregnancy postural imbalances, and support while the body experiences long periods of new movement (nursing, lifting, carrying, bending). For example, the shoulders typically round forward while nursing and carrying the baby, shortening the pectoral muscles and over stretching the upper back muscles. Applying cups to the chest and upper back to release tension and allow new blood flow to the area will provide relief.

Cupping is a great addition to therapeutic, postpartum, and prenatal massage. You can choose to add on a full cupping session to any massage for $25. You will still receive massage for the majority of your time while having cups added down the back and areas that are carrying tension. If it is uncomfortable for you in any way I will take them off immediately, although I think you will really enjoy the relief cupping provides. If you’re in pain or feeling tense give it a try at your next visit to Mama Jane Massage.

60-minute cupping sessions with Quinn are available for $90 or as an add-on to any massage with Quinn for $25. Click below to schedule your next appointment!

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