Juicing for Postpartum Folks

One of the services I offer during postpartum visits with doula clients is making them fresh juice from organic whole fruits and vegetables. This an excellent way for new parents to get nutrients that are easily absorbed into their body. Nutrient-dense juices are an easy, tasty way to hydrate and energize new mamas and boost their immune system!

The two most common juices I make are apple-carrot-ginger and watermelon-kale. Both juices are high in vitamins A and C, and potassium. Plus the apple-carrot-ginger juice has many B vitamins.

Obviously, in order to make these delicious beverages for your postpartum clients, you will need a juicer. I have the Jack LeLanne Power Juicer – besides having many parts that are a pain to clean, it quickly and easily makes great juice!

To make apple-carrot-ginger juice:juice 3 edited
I used five large apples, four medium carrots,
and one small piece of peeled ginger.
You can vary the amount of apples and carrots you want,
depending on your taste.

juice 2 editedTo make watermelon-kale juice:
I cut up one small watermelon and
used four large leaves of kale,
chopped into pieces with the stalk removed.

juice edited
You stick everything through the juicer, and juice comes out like magic!
Both recipes make approximately 32 ounces of juice.
Have clients store the juice in an air-tight bottle in the refrigerator
and drink within three days.

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